Upstream ca. 50 m is a large flat rock almost totally void of vegetation. The gorge slopes appear to be oak/hickory. There is an old rail trail upslope from the plot ca. 50 m. The trail mostly cuts through oak/hickory but there is a TSCA/RHMA forest on the steep N slope above the trail. See BARB 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 for more context. The plot is located along the Tygart right where the river stops and lake begins. There is heavy ATV use along the rail trail. There is a thin patch of PLOC/ANGE prairie between BARB 8 and the river.;Pile of cobble and sand on an outside bend in the River. The community is protected from the river by a large upstream boulder. Dense tall herb layer under a sparse canopy of stunted Diospyrus virginiana. Lots of poison ivy growing in the tall herb. The river is an interesting shade of blue-green, likely due to AMD. The plot is just downstream from a rapid and is made of smaller cobble and sand unlike most of the communities along the river which occur on boulders or bedrock.
Small patch of Persimmon / tall herb shrubland. Similar to patches sampled at NERI, GARI and BLUE. Plot was placed to sample similar photo signatures to the Cheat River at Camp Dawson.